Monday, September 22, 2008


It is amazing to observe adoration given to your baby by some women. Yesterday I had a friend visiting (Y.) and she couldn't get enough of Sonia. Touching Sonik's feet, her hands, her little body... you could see the longing in her face... longing to have a child... longing to be a mother to a little being. There is never this kind of reaction toward my 10 and 9 year old kids, but the baby is worshiped despite her hemangiomas, despite her unruly hair... or maybe because of that? Her chubbiness, her little fat folding and rolling off of chubby short legs like melting ice-cream on a cone... all of it is adorable, lovable, kissable! I am so excited to know that I am a subject of envy because of this little wonder wobbly walking across the room, like she owns it!

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