My two older kids born only a year apart can be prototypes for psychology textbooks dealing with a million different psychological problems, with sibling rivalry being at the top of the list. Both of them have taken this to an art form...
Example from this morning... We are all rushing around trying to get out of the house on time... My daughter's brain is of course is in its normal gear (how to get under her brother's skin and appear to be a victim in the process.)
- Mom, did you take cookies to work? (Looking at the plate of cookies that I baked last night... with some clearly missing as of this morning...)
-No... HURRY UP!
(Masha is standing around, her brain neurons are firing.)
- Hmmmmm.... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, did you take the cookies?
- Mash, are you packed? Get in the car NOW!
(Sherlock Holmes' hypothetico-deductive method clearly worked for my little detective with an attitude.)
-MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOMMM! Anton took the cookies! He always takes the cookies... You never tell him no... He can eat whatever he wants... He can eat as much as he wants... He gets everything he wants...I never get anything... He is never in trouble... I am always in trouble...
- (Interrupting the tirade).... GET IN THE CAR NOW!
6 hours ago
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