Thursday, November 06, 2008

A note for Mom

Mom! Is! A Mean! Person! Because! She! Didn't! Let! Me! Watch! The!
Hockey! Game! That! I! Deserved! To! Watch! Because! I! Got! Everything! Right!
On! My! Practice! Test! --> Turn Page!

I will not come out of my room until she apoligizes!
By your unworthy son Anton.

A lovely note left for me by my son after I told him to go to sleep before the Sharks game was over... It is a school night, I did let him stay up until 9:15, so he did see two periods. My boy is mad at me, but I really cannot be flexible about his bed time... he looks horrible if he doesn't get enough sleep... gets dark bags under his eyes. I can either keep him healthy or happy... either candy (happy) or soup (healthy), either hockey (happy) or sleep (healthy), either playground (healthy) or playstation (happy)... how does one find harmony and balance in parenting?

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