I am a rather opinionated person and, as such, less tolerant and open-minded than I wished to be. I am judgemental, but I reserve the right to pass any judgement that I want (not publicly, but within the intertwined corridors of my intelligence and my conscience.) I view everything through the prism of my own life, of my expectations towards myself and people around me. In a way that is setting oneself up for some serious disillusionment later on in life. I am almost 33 years old and I am a naive romantic maximalist. I am nauseated by infidelity, by lies, by abuse and cruelty... i fall apart when I hear of unwanted children or animals and weep when I hear happy endings to those stories...
Today it is infidelity of a friend... I cannot even bring myself to look at the woman or say hello to her... I feel sick to my stomach and completely unwilling to understand her. I am also a lot more tolerant of the man in this situation, why? Is it because it is expected? I am so predictable and so childish. I want to lock myself in a bright pink castle of my illusions and stay there. I fear facing these people because I would then have to examine myself and question my life. And I absolutely refuse to do that, judging others is a much easier task.
6 hours ago
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